Why no Christian should ever vote for Democrat candidates

These are some reasons that no Christian should ever vote for Democrat candidates.  Conservatives, vote for candidates reflecting conservative values.  Unfortunately, school board elections in some states are non-partisan.  This makes it difficult.  Ask county Republican chairs beforehand for recommendations on solid conservative candidate choices. Robert Sparkman [email protected] This post is a more detailed version…

What is the Christian (biblical) worldview?

In previous letters to the editor of the local newspaper, I have criticized wokeness. A few readers challenged my understanding of wokeness. Particularly, they criticized my favorite label for wokeness: Neo-Marxism.  Perhaps they want me to use the word “progressive” to describe them.    I don’t believe progressives are moving towards anything but increasing societal chaos.…

Dobbs decision and DOJ double standards

Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.  Abortion activists tried to intimidate the court through threatening Supreme Court justices and protesting at their homes.  The Biden administration, predictably, turned a blind eye to these criminal activities while Democrat leaders encouraged them. Title 18, Section 1507 of the US…

Does leftist news media have any integrity?

Does leftist news media have any integrity in today’s America? I don’t think so, especially when the topic under discussion has a potential to further a leftist political ideology. Back in the day, I trusted liberals Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw to report the news accurately. Today’s national news media is a propaganda ministry for…

Gun control and second amendment rights

Gun ownership is a constitutional right for law-abiding citizens. The Second Amendment is not concerned with hunting, like the left claims.  Colonials needed guns to defend themselves against foreign and domestic enemies.   Our founders wanted future generations to be equipped to defend themselves against oppressive governments, too. Stricter gun control legislation is being discussed by…

Christians, don’t turn a blind eye to abortion

Have you ever wondered how Hitler’s government was able to conduct a massive holocaust murdering 10 million people? Many Germans claimed they knew nothing about the extermination program.   I suspect their “blindness” was related to their pocketbook.  Economic prosperity has a way of averting eyes from inconvenient truths. I believe many Americans are similar…

Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving?

Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving? An Easter article in the local newspaper by the editor-in-chief indicated he thinks so.  Our society is headed in the wrong direction.  Like the prophets and apostles, ordinary Christians have a responsibility to warn them.  It is unloving to stay silent. The gender ideology movement receives full support from…

The emperor has no clothes…..neither does wokeness and gender ideology

The emperor has no clothes, folks. Neo-Marxist educators, administrators, school board members, teacher unions, departments of education, and activist groups including BLM/Antifa are attempting to indoctrinate K-12 students into woke ideology.  The Biden administration and Democrat party share their Neo-Marxist goals.  Indoctrination into this ideology ensures their party dominance. Woke indoctrination includes critical race theory,…

Indiana house bill HB1134 or similar legislation requiring curriculum transparency in public schools should be considered

Indiana legislature is considering HB1134. HB1134 seeks to curb indoctrination of children into woke ideology, primarily through curriculum transparency and limiting classroom conversation on related topics.  It’s no secret woke idealogues want to change our nation.  Sadly, Biden’s administration supports their efforts. Wokeness is evolved Marxism. White, heterosexual, cisgender (non-transgender) Christian males are viewed as…

January 6 Capitol incident – incited by federal operatives?

I have serious concerns surrounding the Jan 6 Capitol incident. I suspect it was intentionally incited by federal operatives desiring to create a narrative supporting the Democrat party and its accusations against conservatives. First, leftist media used “insurrection” to describe the incident.    “Insurrection” is a loaded word, connoting a coup attempt. What’s the truth? A…