Unmasking the agenda of LGBT activism

Marshall Kirk, a neuropsychologist, and Hunter Madsen, an advertising executive, published a book in 1989 titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s”. The authors, graduates of Harvard University, were gay. The book has been viewed by many as a manifesto for gay activism. This book…

Predictions for a Democrat controlled America

Leftist news agencies continue their propaganda efforts to deceive the American public. Dire predictions of a Trumpian totalitarian government by leftist news agencies are used to instill fear in the populace. Christian nationalist is the new boogey man of the left. The label is used by leftist legacy media to vilify and shame biblical Christians…

Wokeness, Islam, anti-Semitism and the Israel-Gaza war

It surprised me that Cultural Marxists (the woke) allied with pro-Gaza Muslims following the massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023. The anti-Semitic nature of Cultural Marxism evaded my worldview radar. I discovered there is a deep-seated anti-Semitism within the Cultural Marxist community. Their anti-Semitism manifested itself through anti-Semitic activism on American campuses. Harassment of…

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)?

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)? Cultural Marxists claim biblical Christians lack love and tolerance.   They often profess to be more Christlike than their Christian critics. Some Cultural Marxists are members of mainline Christian denominations who have departed from the Christian worldview. These are amongst the first to accuse biblical Christians for a lack…

Do Democrats value democracy and freedom?

The Biden administration and Democrat leadership claim American democracy is endangered by MAGA Republicans, the villains of the leftist narrative. Does the Biden administration and Democrat leadership love freedom, and are Republicans the real danger to democracy? I don’t think so.  The Democrat party is the real danger. Totalitarians of the past, including Joseph Goebbels…

Redeemed rebels and addiction

I volunteered as a chapel aide at the local county jail between 2017-2019. Many of the prisoners were addicted to alcohol, methamphetamine and other illicit substances. I spent a lot of time researching addictions and Christian approaches to this topic. I would like to recommend a few resources in this regard for those who might…

Do Christians want a theocracy?

At a recent local school board meeting, a community member claimed that grooming of children is not occurring within public education.  Instead, he maintains grooming is happening in religion. It is an undeniable fact that the Biden administration, Democrat leadership and woke allies are promoting indoctrination of children into gender ideology nationwide despite strong parental…

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian

“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie has generated controversy at local school board meetings. The board approved the book for inclusion in junior level English classes despite sexual references that may violate Indiana state obscenity laws related to youth.  Sadly, only one board member out of seven voted against inclusion.…

Does leftist news media have any integrity?

Does leftist news media have any integrity in today’s America? I don’t think so, especially when the topic under discussion has a potential to further a leftist political ideology. Back in the day, I trusted liberals Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw to report the news accurately. Today’s national news media is a propaganda ministry for…

What is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)?

Cultural Marxists have a deceptive vocabulary, Wokespeak, concealing the Neo-Marxist nature of wokeness.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is Wokespeak for woke indoctrination programs.  DEI programs are being implemented in schools, corporations and governmental organizations as the woke continue their long march of conquest through the institutions.  A breakdown of this phrase is useful for…