Goodbye, Joe Biden, and good riddance

Goodbye, Joe Biden, and good riddance. I hope the Democrat party is relegated to a permanent minority position, too. It is my opinion that Joe Biden and several individuals within his administration should be prosecuted for treason. Democrat Leadership cannot be trusted with power by a rational populace. Here are ten reasons why Democrats should…

Christmas and the Christian worldview

I would like to express my conviction that the biblical Christian worldview is the only true worldview, and to encourage the devotional observance of Christmas by believers. Humans were created to reflect the image and glory of God.  God commanded them to multiply and replenish his creation with godly offspring. Adam and Eve, the first…

Trump won, but the culture war isn’t over

I would like to express thanksgiving to God for a reprieve from the oppressive Biden administration.  Trump’s victory is a decisive victory for America over a dark and ominous future under a leftist totalitarian government that promotes unrestrained evil inconsistent with our Christian heritage. These evils include unrestrained abortion, corruption of the innocence of youth…

Trump/Harris Debate

I would like to comment upon the recent Trump/Harris debate. The ABC moderators were conspicuously biased and partnered with Harris to debate Trump.  Harris did not answer some of their questions, and they did not challenge her evasiveness. Moderators allowed Harris to repeat Democrat/media lies about Trump related to the Charlottesville incident, plans to perpetuate…

Voters, consider the issues, and don’t be ruled by your emotions and leftist propaganda

I would like to encourage American voters to select political candidates based upon stance on crucial issues, not subjective emotions. Don’t allow Trump Derangement Syndrome to paralyze your ability to reason and evaluate the candidates and the platforms of their respective parties. Read the party platforms to understand the policies of the candidates and their…

Donald Trump assassination attempt and school board elections

I would like to offer my opinion on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump and add some additional comments on school board elections. It is my contention the Biden/Harris administration, Democrat leadership, news media allies and Secret Service senior leadership intentionally created an environment encouraging the assassination attempt. Democrat leadership and news media…

Are school board elections important? Yes – and more than you think

I want to encourage conservative voters to carefully consider their choices for school board members in November. Your informed vote counts more than you think. School board elections are difficult due to their non-partisan nature, which allows the possibility of electing individuals that don’t reflect conservative values.  Local media interviews are useful to form an…

My response to Walt Sorg on LGBTQ+ matters

This post relates to a letter to the editor that I submitted for June 2024 to the local newspaper. Following is an expanded version of my response. Newspaper letters to the editor are understandably limited to 600 words. I am often left unsatisfied with my letters to the editor, as I would like to add…

Israel/Palestine Protests (Video Collection)

This is a collection of Israel/Palestine War related videos, including protests and other related news items. I will be adding to these videos over time. It is my opinion that organizations associated with Muslim extremists and leftists are financing and inciting these protests. Leftist media sources (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, New York Times,…

Unmasking the agenda of LGBT activism

Marshall Kirk, a neuropsychologist, and Hunter Madsen, an advertising executive, published a book in 1989 titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s”. The authors, graduates of Harvard University, were two homosexual men. The book has been viewed by many as a manifesto for gay activism.…

Predictions for a Democrat controlled America

Leftist news agencies continue their propaganda efforts to deceive the American public. Dire predictions of a Trumpian totalitarian government by leftist news agencies are used to instill fear in the populace. Christian nationalist is the new boogey man of the left. The label is used by leftist legacy media to vilify and shame biblical Christians…

Wokeness, Islam, anti-Semitism and the Israel-Gaza war

It surprised me that Cultural Marxists (the woke) allied with pro-Gaza Muslims following the massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023. The anti-Semitic nature of Cultural Marxism evaded my worldview radar. I discovered there is a deep-seated anti-Semitism within the Cultural Marxist community. Their anti-Semitism manifested itself through anti-Semitic activism on American campuses. Harassment of…

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)?

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)? Cultural Marxists claim biblical Christians lack love and tolerance.   They often profess to be more Christlike than their Christian critics. Some Cultural Marxists are members of mainline Christian denominations who have departed from the Christian worldview. These are amongst the first to accuse biblical Christians for a lack…

Do Democrats value democracy and freedom?

The Biden administration and Democrat leadership claim American democracy is endangered by MAGA Republicans, the villains of the leftist narrative. Does the Biden administration and Democrat leadership love freedom, and are Republicans the real danger to democracy? I don’t think so.  The Democrat party is the real danger. Totalitarians of the past, including Joseph Goebbels…

Redeemed rebels and addiction

I volunteered as a chaplain aide at the local county jail between 2017-2019. Many of the prisoners were addicted to alcohol, methamphetamine and other illicit substances. I spent a lot of time researching addictions and Christian approaches to this topic. I would like to recommend a few resources in this regard for those who might…

Do Christians want a theocracy?

At a recent local school board meeting, a community member claimed that grooming of children is not occurring within public education.  Instead, he maintains grooming is happening in religion. It is an undeniable fact that the Biden administration, Democrat leadership and woke allies are promoting indoctrination of children into gender ideology nationwide despite strong parental…

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian

“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie has generated controversy at local school board meetings. The board approved the book for inclusion in junior level English classes despite sexual references that may violate Indiana state obscenity laws related to youth.  Sadly, only one board member out of seven voted against inclusion.…

What is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)?

Cultural Marxists have a deceptive vocabulary, Wokespeak, concealing the Neo-Marxist nature of wokeness.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is Wokespeak for woke indoctrination programs.  DEI programs are being implemented in schools, corporations and governmental organizations as the woke continue their long march of conquest through the institutions.  A breakdown of this phrase is useful for…

What is wokeness (Cultural Marxism)?

A friend asked me to define woke/wokeness.  Cultural Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Progressivism, social justice, anti-racism, and critical theory/intersectionality are related terms. Woke implies the person has undergone a conversion experience enlightening him to power dynamics, systemic racism and social injustices of Western civilization.  The new convert experiences critical consciousness. He laments his whiteness and forsakes his…

Wokeness is a state sanctioned cult facilitated by public schools

A former educator and teacher union president has directed several accusations towards my position on wokeness and education. Given his background and rudeness, I have no expectation of honesty from him and won’t address him.  It is not surprising Democrats and current/former educators associated with teacher unions have issues with my letters.   A hit dog…

Chloe Cole and her gender transition and detransition

Chloe Cole is a charming young lady worthy of our respect. She speaks publicly about factors leading her to transition and detransition. Factors related to her transition included a degree of autism, early onset of puberty, and a traumatic sexual encounter. As a result, she felt alienated from her body.  Ultimately, medical professionals recommended hormone…

Rand Paul’s 2022 Festivus report outlining governmental waste

Biden walks, talks, and spends your money like a drunken sailor. Hardworking taxpayers are bearing the burden of his woke policies, including the cost of supporting millions of illegals he allowed into the country under the pretense of asylum.  I am not opposed to orderly, sustainable immigration of genuinely persecuted and well-vetted individuals who can…

The woke and their moral authority, Karl Marx

Parents, woke teachers don’t care about your values, especially if they reflect conservative or biblical values.  You need re-education, according to woke elitists. Christopher Rufo, an investigative reporter, has a great Youtube video called “Critical Race Theory” to understand wokeness and its encroachment upon education. I will describe wokeness from a Christian perspective.  Karl Marx…

Why no Christian should ever vote for Democrat candidates

These are some reasons that no Christian should ever vote for Democrat candidates.  Conservatives, vote for candidates reflecting conservative values.  Unfortunately, school board elections in some states are non-partisan.  This makes it difficult.  Ask county Republican chairs beforehand for recommendations on solid conservative candidate choices. Robert Sparkman [email protected] This post is a more detailed version…

What is the Christian (biblical) worldview?

In previous letters to the editor of the local newspaper, I have criticized wokeness. A few readers challenged my understanding of wokeness. Particularly, they criticized my favorite label for wokeness: Neo-Marxism.  Perhaps they want me to use the word “progressive” to describe them.    I don’t believe progressives are moving towards anything but increasing societal chaos.…

Dobbs decision and DOJ double standards

Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.  Abortion activists tried to intimidate the court through threatening Supreme Court justices and protesting at their homes.  The Biden administration, predictably, turned a blind eye to these criminal activities while Democrat leaders encouraged them. Title 18, Section 1507 of the US…

Does leftist news media have any integrity?

Does leftist news media have any integrity in today’s America? I don’t think so, especially when the topic under discussion has a potential to further a leftist political ideology. Back in the day, I trusted liberals Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw to report the news accurately. Today’s national news media is a propaganda ministry for…

Gun control and second amendment rights

Gun ownership is a constitutional right for law-abiding citizens. The Second Amendment is not concerned with hunting, like the left claims.  Colonials needed guns to defend themselves against foreign and domestic enemies.   Our founders wanted future generations to be equipped to defend themselves against oppressive governments, too. Stricter gun control legislation is being discussed by…

Christians, don’t turn a blind eye to abortion

Have you ever wondered how Hitler’s government was able to conduct a massive holocaust murdering 10 million people? Many Germans claimed they knew nothing about the extermination program.   I suspect their “blindness” was related to their pocketbook.  Economic prosperity has a way of averting eyes from inconvenient truths. I believe many Americans are similar…

Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving?

Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving? An Easter article in the local newspaper by the editor-in-chief indicated he thinks so.  Our society is headed in the wrong direction.  Like the prophets and apostles, ordinary Christians have a responsibility to warn them.  It is unloving to stay silent. The gender ideology movement receives full support from…

The emperor has no clothes…..neither does wokeness and gender ideology

The emperor has no clothes, folks. Neo-Marxist educators, administrators, school board members, teacher unions, departments of education, and activist groups including BLM/Antifa are attempting to indoctrinate K-12 students into woke ideology.  The Biden administration and Democrat party share their Neo-Marxist goals.  Indoctrination into this ideology ensures their party dominance. Woke indoctrination includes critical race theory,…

Indiana house bill HB1134 or similar legislation requiring curriculum transparency in public schools should be considered

Indiana legislature is considering HB1134. HB1134 seeks to curb indoctrination of children into woke ideology, primarily through curriculum transparency and limiting classroom conversation on related topics.  It’s no secret woke idealogues want to change our nation.  Sadly, Biden’s administration supports their efforts. Wokeness is evolved Marxism. White, heterosexual, cisgender (non-transgender) Christian males are viewed as…

January 6 Capitol incident – incited by federal operatives?

I have serious concerns surrounding the Jan 6 Capitol incident. I suspect it was intentionally incited by federal operatives desiring to create a narrative supporting the Democrat party and its accusations against conservatives. First, leftist media used “insurrection” to describe the incident.    “Insurrection” is a loaded word, connoting a coup attempt. What’s the truth? A…

2020 election interference by national media and the Democrat party

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”  This phrase reminds me of Hillary Clinton.  She was scorned by her nation in 2016. In response, she claimed Trump committed election fraud.  She became the prototype for the furious “Trump Derangement Syndrome” crowd. Leftist media ridicules those questioning the integrity of the 2020 election yet supports…

Historical revisionism and the left

A myth about turkeys claims that they are so brainless they will stare into the sky during a rainstorm until they drown.  In reality, turkeys are more intelligent than this.  I am not convinced all humans are, though.  I suspect many Americans accept woke, Neo-Marxist propaganda disseminated from universities, media outlets, and the Biden administration…

Abortion – is it America’s greatest sin?

According to the Biden regime and their race-baiting Neo-Marxist allies, racism is the greatest national sin.   What is America’s greatest sin?   Rejection of God.  This sin leads to all others. True racism is a grievous sin.   Abortion is a vile, widespread sin, though. The Christian worldview teaches God created Adam and Eve to reflect…

Are you an anti-racist?

Are you anti-racist? Don’t answer this question too quickly.  If I were asked, my response would be, what do you mean by anti-racist?  Today, we cannot assume shared understanding in conversation.  Many words are coined and redefined in deceptive manners by idealogues, to dupe others into joining their movement.  “Anti-racist” is a prime example. Intuitively,…

Media manipulation of the left

Is our nation being led towards Neo-Marxism? I think so.  Democrat politicians and leftist media are leading our country away from its historical roots and towards Neo-Marxism. What is Neo-Marxism? Neo-Marxism is evolved Marxism. Marx claimed society is comprised of two economical classes:  the oppressors, owning the means of capital (bourgeoisie), and the oppressed worker…

Christians should aggressively resist wokeness

I would like to encourage bible-believing Christians in our community to actively resist the leftist progression in our society through peaceful but aggressive means. Francis Schaeffer, a famous American Christian philosopher, founded a retreat in Switzerland called L’Abri.   L’Abri was a retreat center for young people seeking answers to ultimate questions in life.  In his…