Gun control and second amendment rights

Gun ownership is a constitutional right for law-abiding citizens.

The Second Amendment is not concerned with hunting, like the left claims. 

Colonials needed guns to defend themselves against foreign and domestic enemies.   Our founders wanted future generations to be equipped to defend themselves against oppressive governments, too.

Stricter gun control legislation is being discussed by Congress following the Uvalde incident. 

History teaches us totalitarian governments confiscate guns first.   Gun ownership deters totalitarian aspirations. 

Gun ownership deters crime, too.  Homicide rates in crime-ridden Brazil dropped 34% after officials loosened gun ownership laws.

Biden’s initial focus was confiscating “assault rifles” like the AR15.  Recently, he indicated a desire to seize 9mm handguns, too.

Police departments issue both.  Civilians adopt similar standards.  This makes sense.   Both want to be as well-armed as the criminal. 

AR15s and 9mm handguns are popular, reliable firearms.  Lights and optics can be added due to modular design.  These additions allow illumination and precise shots, reducing unintended casualties.  Recoil is mild (unlike shotguns) and stocks are adjustable to accommodate smaller family members like women and teenagers.  Intimidating large capacity “evil black rifles” prepare defenders for multiple intruders. 

Police officers cannot be everywhere all the time.  The able-bodied, sound-minded citizen should prepare to defend self, family and community.

Gun ownership is a non-negotiable in our constitutional republic.  Alternative solutions to deter school shootings must be considered.

Think about the Uvalde incident. The resource officer wasn’t present to repel the shooter.  Other school employees were unarmed. The shooter gained access through an unlocked door.   Police failed to neutralize the shooter rapidly. 

Schools need to be hardened with dependable security systems and competent staffing.  Well-trained, armed school employees should be trained.  Local police need better training.

Most of all, this nation needs a biblical worldview discouraging purposeless, evil behavior.  Fathers need to be involved with sons, raising them to be defenders, not predators or passive observers. 

Instead, Biden wants to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens.

Why?  Biden is strongly influenced by woke allies. 

  • The woke vilify police as racist oppressors.   They don’t want increased presence in schools.
  • The woke (including teacher unions) don’t want armed, well-trained volunteer school employees.  
  • The woke attack nuclear families.  Fathers raising sons as defenders sounds too much like “patriarchy” and “toxic masculinity”.   Radical feminists in their ranks want to cultivate passive, hypersensitive, emasculated men.
  • The woke don’t respect the biblical worldview.  Scripture is used to empower their oppressors (white, heterosexual, cisgender, Christian men).
  • The woke don’t respect the Constitution.  The Constitution is used to empower their oppressors. 

Predators will always find ways to acquire guns or other means to harm the innocent.  They don’t respect laws. 

In “progressive” cities like NYC, woke governments fail to protect citizens.  Armed citizens will cause some predators to think twice.

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Democrat politicians like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and the Obamas falsely accuse the Republican party of endangering democracy, while they plot to deprive American citizens of explicit constitutional rights like gun ownership. This is classical gaslighting.   

Examples of recent infringements:

  • Department of Homeland Security propaganda ministry called the ‘Disinformation Governance Board” led by Nina Jankowicz, promoter of the Steele dossier hoax
  • Kamala Harris’ task force to censor online speech (another propaganda ministry)
  • Department of Justice intimidation of parents attending school board meetings speaking against woke indoctrination
  • Department of Agriculture withholding of nutrition assistance funds to needy students attending schools not complying with gender ideology, like allowing biologically advantaged boys to compete in girls’ sports

The video in the related content section is a good discussion on the Second Amendment with Vivek Ramaswamy and content creator, Colion Noir. I recommend Colion Noir’s channel for information on guns and the Second Amendment. I will likely vote for either Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy in the primaries.

Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below. Respectful comments and questions without expletives will be posted and I will respond to them.

Robert Sparkman

This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.

Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.

Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.

Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.


Presidential Hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy Let’s Talk About The 2nd Amendment – Colion Noir

Note: This is a modified version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. Some or all of the content is applicable to a general audience. The article was written under the constraints of 600 words, which is generous for a letter to the editor, but insufficient to address every nuance or facet of complex topics.

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