Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving?

Are Christians criticizing gender ideology unloving? An Easter article in the local newspaper by the editor-in-chief indicated he thinks so. 

Our society is headed in the wrong direction.  Like the prophets and apostles, ordinary Christians have a responsibility to warn them.  It is unloving to stay silent.

The gender ideology movement receives full support from Biden’s administration.  Woke activists are demanding indoctrination of children into this ideology through public education.

If activists get their way, children will undergo this indoctrination.  If parents interfere, they could be charged with child abuse.  Children could be removed from their homes. Pastors could be prosecuted for hate speech if they address LGBT issues biblically in counseling and preaching.

Sound wild?  It’s already happening in Canada and some states.

There are physical and spiritual consequences to woke gender ideology.

Puberty blocking drugs and hormones are commonly used. These treatments can cause permanent health and developmental issues, including infertility.

For instance, bone densities of young men undergoing these regimes are similar to geriatric patients.

Micropenises are common.  One young man developed a micropenis due to puberty blockers.  When he underwent “gender affirmation surgery”, there wasn’t enough material to create an artificial vagina.  So, the surgeon fashioned it from his colon (sigmoid colon vaginoplasty).  The odor caused his boyfriend to leave him, and now he is even more depressed.

Josef Mengele could not have designed more ghoulish experiments.  If you want to investigate the perverted fathers of the gender ideology movement, look up John Money and Alfred Kinsey.

Based upon empirical date alone, unbiased thinkers should see the bankruptcy of gender ideology.

There is spiritual revelation contained in Scripture, though, and Scripture defines objective reality.

God created mankind male and female, in his image. Adam and Eve were commanded to multiply and fill the earth with other image-bearers within the context of the nuclear family. 

Rejecting the creation mandate and pursuing our own course is an echo of Adam’s rebellion against God’s design.  Man was created to reflect God’s glory and to enjoy communion with Him.  Rejecting God and his good design results in frustration and existential angst. Those on this path experience alienation from God now, and ultimately eternal separation.

There are many liberal, false pastors in pulpits who say otherwise, though.  They are secularists disguising themselves as shepherds, nursing at the breast of this culture.  They worship a Play-doh god shaped according to culture.  PCUSA, ELCA, UMC, MCUSA and other liberal Mennonite pastors are amongst them (although there are a very few holdouts).

Does God have unconditional love for all?   Liberal pastors focus upon God’s love to the exclusion of his holiness. 

Read the Bible, especially the book of Romans.  God is holy.  He exercises wrath and judgment against sinful men. 

God loves his creation and sent his Son to accomplish its redemption, and restoration of the pre-Fall harmony. 

He doesn’t exercise his redemptive love upon all men, though.  Faith in Christ and repentance are required.  Repentance involves experiencing a change of mind through the new birth from God.  This new birth aligns us with him and his design.  The body is not the issue.  We need to be born-again.

Believers want to please and obey God.  They find their identity, community and belonging in union with Christ and communion with his church, not the LGBT community.

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Concerning the editor’s claim that Christian critics don’t know others with these issues, thus cannot empathize with them, many Christians left these backgrounds.  Becket Cook, Rosaria Butterfield, and Christopher Yuan are Christian authors who were part of the LGBT community and address these issues with biblical faithfulness and compassion. Sound biblical churches include repentant, loved brothers with these testimonies.

Responsible, empathetic believers would not affirm the dysphoria of sexually confused individuals any more than they would affirm the dysphoria of anorexics starving themselves to death.

For information on sexuality from a biblical perspective, I recommend “Love Thy Body” by Nancy Pearcey. See her Heritage Foundation presentation in the related content section.

Also, there is a depiction of a male to female “bottom surgery” in the related content section. These surgeries do nothing but create a grotesque appearance of the opposite sex without the functionality. They also ensure a steady income stream to the medical community for treatment of the complications that inevitably manifest themselves.

Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below. Respectful comments and questions without expletives will be posted and I will respond to them.

Robert Sparkman

This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.

Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.

Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.

Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.


Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality – Nancy Pearcey
Sex Reassignment Male to Female Surgery – Daily Mail UK
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality – Nancy Pearcey

Note: This is a modified version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. Some or all of the content is applicable to a general audience. The article was written under the constraints of 600 words, which is generous for a letter to the editor, but insufficient to address every nuance or facet of complex topics.

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