Wokeness, Islam, anti-Semitism and the Israel-Gaza war

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This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.

Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.

Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.

Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.

Are the Palestinians Wrong about Everything? (An Average Israeli Perspective) – travelinginisrael.com

They Can’t Answer These Questions – travelinginisrael.com

I Can Understand Why the Palestinians Hate Us Israelis – travelinginisrael.com

70% of Palestinians Support the Hamas Attack on Israel – travelingisrael.com

A Two-State Solution is NOT the solution – travelingisrael.com
The Jews Never Stole Any Land from the Arabs (prove me wrong) – travelingisrael.com

This is the End of a HORRIBLE United Nations Program – The Israel Guys

It’s Indoctrination Anti-Semitic Propaganda in UN Camps Teach Palestinians to Be Terrorists – CBN News

Inside the Gaza Summer Campst Training Children to be the Next Generation – CBN News

What are Palestinian Children Reading in their Textbooks? – i24

What UNRWA Teachers Say When You’re Not Listening – Ayn Rand Centre UK

US Pulls Plug on UNRWA: What’s Next? – CBN News

Israel, Immigration & Islam |Douglas Murray| – John Anderson

Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes ‘Savage’ Indoctrination – CBN News

The Truth About Hamas – PragerU

Robert Spencer – Young America’s Foundation

The Nazi – Islam Alliance? Amin al-Husseini – WW2 Biography Special

Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land? – Ayn Rand Institute

Farmlands – Lauren Southern

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