Leftist news agencies continue their propaganda efforts to deceive the American public.
Dire predictions of a Trumpian totalitarian government by leftist news agencies are used to instill fear in the populace.
Christian nationalist is the new boogey man of the left. The label is used by leftist legacy media to vilify and shame biblical Christians who align with Republican values.
Christian Nationalist is used in a similar manner as the labels Nazi, fascist, racist and white supremacist in the previous election cycle. The phrase is meant to shame and vilify conservative Christians who vote Republican.
Cultural Marxists vilify white, heterosexual, cisgender (non-transgender) Christian males as oppressors and western colonizers. Cultural Marxists hate western civilization, including Christianity, seemingly oblivious to its eastern origin.
Christianity opposes the woke worldview. Christians believe marriage is an exclusive covenant between a man and woman, producing godly offspring reflecting the image of God within the context of the family. Sex is reserved for this covenantal relationship.
Biblical Christians believe Scriptural principles define true morality. Morality is based on God’s nature. Man is made in the image of God, and his nature should mirror that of his Creator. His nature is reflected in the teachings of Scripture.
The Bible informs the believer what it means to be a virtuous person. This impacts the Christian view of how government and society in general should operate.
Conversely, the Democrats and their allies have opposing belief systems, Cultural Marxism (wokeness) and gender ideology, that they are committed to impose upon society.
Make no mistake. Cultural Marxism is a belief system with its own unbiblical code of ethics. Its code of ethics is described under the phrase “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI). This noble-sounding phrase means something far different to the left. For example, diversity and inclusion does not include acceptance of those who believe biblical Christianity. Diversity of thought is not valued. Equity means that equal outcomes must be realized, even if it means forceful redistribution of power and possessions by the government. See my related post on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Cultural Marxism is the functional religion the American left is seeking to impose upon the nation.
The Democrat party has allied itself with Cultural Marxists (the woke) and their ideology.
Cultural Marxists demand that the rest of society affirm unbiblical sexual practices and gender ideology. They demand that Christians affirm and approve of their ideologies and behaviors. Mere toleration is not acceptable. All of society must affirm this ideology. Further, they demand that Christians submit their children for indoctrination into these ideologies through the public school system.
Additionally, Democrat legislators at the state and federal level champion bills that embed wokeness and gender ideology into the legislation. This legislation would allow the left to prosecute their opponents under hate speech laws.
The common claim that the government shouldn’t legislate morality is ridiculous. Legislation is based upon morality. Cultural Marxists and their Democrat allies are attempting to force their godless ethics of Cultural Marxism and gender ideology upon the nation through legislation.
Atheist producer Rob Reiner (“Meathead” Mike Stivic from All in the Family fame) joined forces with compromised Christians like David French, Russell Moore, Jemar Tisby and Phil Vischer to produce a propagandistic documentary called “God and Country” to vilify “Christian Nationalists”, a label they attach to biblical Christians whose faith leads them to vote Republican and to participate patriotically in civic matters in a manner that reflects their Christian convictions.
Reiner is a loyal Democrat. French, Moore, Tisby and Vischer are professing Christians that have values aligning with the progressive Democrat party to various degrees.
Notice that I use the word “professing”. I am not in a position to judge whether they are real Christians who are compromised in some areas or counterfeit Christians.
These compromised Christians are critical of conservatives within the church and their effort to affect government policies.
The content of the documentary is propagandistic. They focus solely upon the negative aspects of Donald Trump’s character. They imply that the Capitol rioters on January 6 were primarily guided by Christian Nationalism through focusing the viewer upon several oddball characters like the Shaman guy from Jan 6 rather than the panopoly of individuals that never entered the Capitol. Word of Faith and charismatic figures like Kenneth Copeland and Paula White are showcased to associate evangelical Christians with odd fringe beliefs and practices. They insinuate that Christian Nationalism is based upon racism, not a sincere desire to participate in the governance of their nation for its own welfare.
There is no criticism of the “woke church” and its political activism. There is no criticism of the Democrat party, even though the Democrat party enables blatant evils like abortion, unbiblical sexual practices and indoctrination of school children into wokeness and gender ideology. There is no discussion of Joe Biden, his influence peddling and racist comments from the past. There is no discussion of Kamala Harris’ support of BLM rioters and her promotion of Democrat candidates in three hundred black churches throughout Virginia.
Shaming and vilifying conservative Christians concerned with their nation is the objective of the documentary.
If separation of church and state was their concern, they should have addressed the woke (“progressive”) church. The woke church is a convergence of the Neo-Marxist ideology and the professing church. It is very similar to the German national church of the Third Reich and its promotion of Aryan mythology, as opposed to the confessing church that resisted Nazism.
The functional religion of the woke church is Cultural Marxism. The woke church is the Cultural Marxist or “social justice” corruption of Christianity.
Which denominations and churches belong to the “woke church”?
United Church of Christ, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Presbyterian Church – USA, United Methodist Church, American Baptist Convention, Disciples of Christ, Mennonite Church – USA, Church of the Brethren and many other denominations and independent churches would be included, although individual pastors, congregations and members within these denominations may be faithful.
Displaying the various LGBT flags would be a strong sign of wokeness. Christians should accept and welcome repentant LGBT individuals as members, but not those who affirm unbiblical sexual behaviors and gender ideology. They are in rebellion against God.
I strongly encourage Christians to vote Republican.
If Democrats prevail in 2024, I anticipate the following consequences will occur:
- Democrat politicians will continue to stir up division and violence between ethnicities for political advantage.
- Democrat politicians will continue to call for unlimited abortion rights nationwide under the banner of so-called reproductive justice, which has no regard for the preborn child.
- The border will remain open. Increased crime rates, lower American wages, terrorist threats, and erosion of societal safety nets are some consequences of uncontrolled immigration. Auto accidents involving uninsured and unlicensed immigrants will continue (my advice is to increase your uninsured motorist coverage).
- Non-citizen immigrant populations will skew political representation in the House of Representatives to Democrat states upon the 2030 census, ensuring perpetual political dominance for Democrats. Representation is based on census counts of total residents regardless whether residents are citizens or non-citizens.
- Federal agencies will continue to collude with news and social media to enforce the Democrat party narrative and to silence anyone who challenges it.
- Christians will continue to be persecuted by federal agencies for activism against abortion, public indecency related to LGBTQ+ materials in schools and public libraries, so-called family-friendly drag shows, and indoctrination of children within the public school system. Recent persecutions include the prosecution of the Mark Houck family and the conviction of six peaceful protesters for violations of the FACE act at an abortion clinic in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.
- The legal system will continue to dispense disparate treatment favoring leftist activists over conservative activists. Christians are aggressively prosecuted for peaceful protesting while leftist rioters received a virtual free pass for their rampant destruction of property and life.
- Christians will be prohibited from foster care and adoption due to conscientious objections to gender ideology.
- Christians will continue to have children removed from their homes in violation of parental rights due to their conscientious failure to support gender transition of their children.
- Consumer prices will continue to rise due to excessive federal regulations and restricted oil production.
- Constriction of US oil production due to the demands of radical environmentalists will continue to benefit Iran and other Muslim nations who will use the additional revenue to promote further activism and terrorism in Israel, Europe and the United States.
- Crime will continue to increase, particularly in Democrat-run cities, due to anti-police rhetoric of Democrat politicians and woke mayors, governors, prosecutors, and judges more interested in protecting criminals than victims.
- Christian medical professionals will be pressured to be involved in abortions and gender related treatments. Widespread availability of the abortifacient mifepristone by mail will result in emergency room visits related to its side effects. Christian emergency room personnel will be pressured to deal with complications from pill abortions. This may require Christian emergency room personnel to complete the process the abortifacients begun.
- Public schools at all levels will continue to indoctrinate students into wokeness and gender ideology and to provide obscene and racially divisivevisive materials in school libraries, producing a generation of academically deficient, confused young people prepared for woke activism and not productive careers.
- Universities will continue to be indoctrination camps of leftist activists that are hostile to conservatives due to the indoctrination of their Neo-Marxist administrators and professors.
- Parental rights to guide their children in moral matters will continue to be usurped by the State in order to perpetuate the belief that children should be allowed to decide their gender and to be “transitioned”.
- Hysterical, radical environmentalists flailing their arms like Chicken Little will continue to disrupt society through their protests blocking public thoroughfares and vandalizing others’ property, and by insisting upon impractical, ineffective environmental initiatives that erode national wealth and cannot provide our energy needs. Human flourishing is, in fact, enhanced by fossil fuels, contrary to the claims of radical environmentalists.
- Valuable US farmland will continue to be diverted from productive use to wind and solar farms, and critical infrastructure will be neglected.
- Property ownership rights will continue to be eroded. This erosion of property rights is seen in the disregard for property owners on the border whose property is destroyed and houses are invaded by migrants, the failure to prosecute retail thieves in large cities, and the squatters occupying private homes in progressive cities.
- Crucial rights like speech and gun ownership will be eroded under the guise of public safety.
- Anti-Semitic protests and violence against American Jews led by brainwashed Neo-Marxist students and radical Muslims on college campuses will continue and intensify.
Republican leadership wants to reduce federal government control. Democrat leadership wants to expand federal government control.
Republican leadership respects and values Christian participation in society, regardless of their own personal faith. Democrat leadership does not.
Ask yourself: Which party poses the greater risk of totalitarianism?
The answer is obvious. Democrat leadership allied with Cultural Marxists will do a lot of irreparable damage to this nation in the event of a Democrat win in 2024.
I suspect the Democrat-led leftist Biden administration will back off on the woke agenda until the election for strategic purposes but will double down if Biden wins a second term in November. Do not be fooled by a brief intermission in their progression towards a leftist totalitarian nation.
At this juncture, critics may label me as a Donald Trump cult member.
Personally, I preferred Vivek Ramaswamy or Ron DeSantis. It is inevitable that Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate of choice, though.
I will vote for the Republican candidates in the general election, including Donald Trump, barring anything unforeseen.
I will vote against the Democrat party, which supports abortion, unbiblical sexual behaviors, wokeness and gender ideology. A vote for Democrats is a vote for an evil, leftist totalitarian regime. The Democrat party is socialism in its embryonic form. Its true totalitarian nature is rapidly manifesting itself more and more intensely.
The Biden administration and Democrat party leadership are not tolerant of conservative views. They demand others affirm wokeness and gender ideology. They seek to enact hate speech legislation to silence those who disagree. They are power seekers who enable the murder of preborn children and the corruption of youth.
Additionally, the Biden administration is strongly responsive to globalists like the United Nations and World Economic Forum. European nations and others have already been corrupted due to the efforts of these globalist organizations.
Conversely, Donald Trump is a contrarian who is not susceptible to political pressure from them.
My ultimate hope is not in Donald Trump or any political candidate, though. I vote according to biblical principles. I am not going to vote for a representative of the Democrat party, which plainly promotes evils like abortion, anti-white racism, and sexual perversion. Any Christian who votes for them shares in their evil through enablement.
The voter should brace himself for a lot of media deception throughout this election cycle and thereafter. No one should be surprised that the media intensifies its deception of the American public.
Leftist media sources reflecting the Democrat perspective include MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Associated Press (AP), and USA Today.
Joy Reid of the ReidOut (MSNBC) and the cohosts of the View (ABC) are prime examples of Cultural Marxists.
Conservative media sources reflecting the Republican perspective include the Epoch Times, CBN News, NTD News, Washington Examiner, Fox News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, Breitbart, Daily Wire, and Newsmax.
Local newspapers are fine for local news. However, some local newspaper editors select Associated Press (AP) articles that reflect a strong leftist perspective.
Allsides.com has a good media bias chart on their website. News sources are rated for their degree of political bias from left to center to right. I agree with their ratings in general.
It should be no surprise that I favor the aforementioned conservative media sources. I don’t hold every position that every conservative media source espouses, but in general, I find them to be well-balanced and informative. They are credible and the leftist media sources are not, especially on coverage of items that can be slanted towards a partisan perspective. I have researched enough issues where these media outlets have deliberately omitted significant facts or lied to promote a false narrative.
For two examples of media deception, see the videos below concerning the recent out-of-context “bloodbath” claim made against Donald Trump and the older claims related to the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally.
I could provide many such examples, but I will save those for other blog posts.
Does our nation have hopes of awakening from their woke stupor that allows such leftists as Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom to occupy its leadership positions? I don’t know. West Coast states like California, Oregon, and Washington continue to elect leftist candidates despite the latrines they have become.
God save America.
Robert Sparkman
This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.
Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.
Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.
Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.
Mark Houck is a traditional Roman Catholic who is engaged in pro-life activism. After the Dobbs decision in June 2022, the FBI came to his house in September 2022 with a number of armed agents to arrest him for an incident that occurred in October 2021. Local law enforcement authorities had already investigated this incident and decided not to pursue legal action against him. Biden’s administration used the FBI to exact revenge upon conservatives following the Dobbs case decision. He was charged with violation of FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance Acts). His crime? He shoved an aggressive volunteer abortion worker (clinic escort) who was menacing his twelve year old son. If convicted, Houck would have faced a ten year sentence. Thankfully, he was acquitted.
Six Christian pro-life activists were arrested and convicted of violations of the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act) act for peaceful pro-life activism at a clinic in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. They face sentences of eleven years and fines of $260,000 each. These individuals were taken into custody by well-armed FBI agents following the Dobbs decision in June 2022. The leftist Biden administration was seeking revenge upon conservatives for this ruling. At the most, the participants could reasonably have been charged with disorderly conduct. Their actions were not violent at all. The disparity between the lenient treatment of violent, destructive BLM/Antifa activists are treated compared to the treatment of peaceful pro-life activists exhibits weaponization of the government against conservatives. The Hill has a good video in this regard. Jessica Burbank of the Hill represents the woke progressive perspective in the discussion. Mary Margaret Olahan represents the conservative perspective. As Mary states, hundreds of churches and many pregnancy centers have been attacked by leftist pro-abortion activists since the Dobbs decision in June 2022, with very few convictions and attention from the Biden administration Department of Justice (DOJ), even though these facilities are also covered under the FACE act.
Andrew from Don’t Walk, Run! Productions is excellent at exposing leftist media lies. In this case, he exposes the “Bloodbath” lie. The leftist media continually twists Donald Trump’s words and take them out of context to instill the idea that he is plotting a future insurrection.
Anne Wilson Smith authored a book called “Charlottesville Untold” about the “Unite The Right” rally. She attended the Unite the Right rally in support of retaining historical monuments. She explains the events and the motivation of well-intentioned attendees in this video on the Conversations that Matter Youtube channel with content creator Jon Harris. Anne discusses the deceit of the leftist media surrounding this incident. Comments by Donald Trump were shamelessly taken out of context by the media reporting on this incident to further their false claim that Trump is a racist and supported the lawlessness of the radical far right racists at the rally.
Tucker Carlson interviews Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi is a former Democrat Congresswoman with a military background who served in the House of Representatives. She exposes the Democrat party from the inside. Speculators think she might be the running mate for Donald Trump. I would disagree with her position on abortion, although there are signs that she may change her position on this matter. I like her personality and patriotism, but I will not vote for anyone who supports abortion.
The Biden administration is blaming the border crisis on the Republican party. It is common knowledge that Biden issued executive orders to remove restrictions President Trump enacted that were effective at protecting the border. The activity at the border doesn’t reflect the extent of the problem. The administration has been using air travel to fly 320,000 immigrants at taxpayer expense into the country, bypassing the border completely.
Rob Reiner colluded with progressive (woke) pseudo-Christians like David French, Russell Moore, Jemar Tisby and Phil Vischer to produce a documentary attacking “Christian Nationalism”. The Democrat party and their woke allies are using this phrase in a similar manner as they used the words/phrases Nazi, fascist, white supremacist, and racist to vilify Republicans in the last election cycle.
Alex Epstein explains why fossil fuels improve human flourishing, rather than harm it. The propaganda of the radical environmental movement promoted by the Biden Administration is very misguided. The Biden administration is wasting massive amounts of national wealth in the pursuit of zero carbon emissions.
Squatters are able to take possession of homes after breaking into a home and living at the residence for thirty days in some “progressive” cities including NYC. The homeowner is not allowed to remove them and if this is attempted, the homeowner can be arrested and jailed. Illegal immigrants have made videos to inform other illegal immigrants of the process so they can obtain housing in a similar manner. The erosion of property rights is a function of the Neo-Marxist worldview that is permeating our society.
The local news ABC 7 covers this issue.
The book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas – Not Less by Alex Epstein provides a lot of great information and serves as an excellent counter-narrative to the radical environmentalism position of Cultural Marxists.
Anne Wilson Smith attended the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally. Her book challenges the deceptive leftist narrative of the leftist news media that labeled President Trump as a racist who sided with the far right elements at the rally.
This blog post is based upon a letter to the editor submitted for consideration this month. Here is the original letter to the editor.