My response to Walt Sorg on LGBTQ+ matters

This post relates to a letter to the editor that I submitted for June 2024 to the local newspaper. Following is an expanded version of my response. Newspaper letters to the editor are understandably limited to 600 words. I am often left unsatisfied with my letters to the editor, as I would like to add…

Wokeness, Islam, anti-Semitism and the Israel-Gaza war

It surprised me that Cultural Marxists (the woke) allied with pro-Gaza Muslims following the massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023. The anti-Semitic nature of Cultural Marxism evaded my worldview radar. I discovered there is a deep-seated anti-Semitism within the Cultural Marxist community. Their anti-Semitism manifested itself through anti-Semitic activism on American campuses. Harassment of…

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)?

Would Jesus identify with Cultural Marxism (wokeness)? Cultural Marxists claim biblical Christians lack love and tolerance.   They often profess to be more Christlike than their Christian critics. Some Cultural Marxists are members of mainline Christian denominations who have departed from the Christian worldview. These are amongst the first to accuse biblical Christians for a lack…

What is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)?

Cultural Marxists have a deceptive vocabulary, Wokespeak, concealing the Neo-Marxist nature of wokeness.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is Wokespeak for woke indoctrination programs.  DEI programs are being implemented in schools, corporations and governmental organizations as the woke continue their long march of conquest through the institutions.  A breakdown of this phrase is useful for…

What is wokeness (Cultural Marxism)?

A friend asked me to define woke/wokeness.  Cultural Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Progressivism, social justice, anti-racism, and critical theory/intersectionality are related terms. Woke implies the person has undergone a conversion experience enlightening him to power dynamics, systemic racism and social injustices of Western civilization.  The new convert experiences critical consciousness. He laments his whiteness and forsakes his…

Wokeness is a state sanctioned cult facilitated by public schools

A former educator and teacher union president has directed several accusations towards my position on wokeness and education. Given his background and rudeness, I have no expectation of honesty from him and won’t address him.  It is not surprising Democrats and current/former educators associated with teacher unions have issues with my letters.   A hit dog…

The woke and their moral authority, Karl Marx

Parents, woke teachers don’t care about your values, especially if they reflect conservative or biblical values.  You need re-education, according to woke elitists. Christopher Rufo, an investigative reporter, has a great Youtube video called “Critical Race Theory” to understand wokeness and its encroachment upon education. I will describe wokeness from a Christian perspective.  Karl Marx…

The emperor has no clothes…..neither does wokeness and gender ideology

The emperor has no clothes, folks. Neo-Marxist educators, administrators, school board members, teacher unions, departments of education, and activist groups including BLM/Antifa are attempting to indoctrinate K-12 students into woke ideology.  The Biden administration and Democrat party share their Neo-Marxist goals.  Indoctrination into this ideology ensures their party dominance. Woke indoctrination includes critical race theory,…

Are you an anti-racist?

Are you anti-racist? Don’t answer this question too quickly.  If I were asked, my response would be, what do you mean by anti-racist?  Today, we cannot assume shared understanding in conversation.  Many words are coined and redefined in deceptive manners by idealogues, to dupe others into joining their movement.  “Anti-racist” is a prime example. Intuitively,…