Marshall Kirk, a neuropsychologist, and Hunter Madsen, an advertising executive, published a book in 1989 titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s”.
The authors, graduates of Harvard University, were two homosexual men. The book has been viewed by many as a manifesto for gay activism.
This book laid out strategies for indoctrinating America into acceptance of homosexuality. Their plan involved a three-step program of desensitization, jamming, and conversion.
The strategies were designed for gay activism. We can observe the same concepts being deployed by LGBT activists today.
Desensitization is the first step.
Desensitization involves flooding society through mainstream media with positive images of the LGBT lifestyle.
Movies, commercials and television series portray the LGBT community in a positive light, and convey the message that their lifestyles are as normal and healthy as heterosexuality.
Drag queen story hours and colorful, LGBT affirming flags, stickers and posters displayed or distributed to children in classrooms, libraries and other public spaces are part of the propaganda efforts to portray the lifestyle in a fun, child-friendly manner and to connect it with positive emotions.
The reality is different.
Sexual encounters are often promiscuous and predatory towards youths. Pederasty has been common within the gay community for millennia.
Sexually transmissible diseases are common. Some are potentially fatal, like syphilis and hepatitis. AIDS, in particular, is fatal although expensive medication can extend the person’s life. Others, like genital warts, are grotesquely disfiguring.
Predatory behavior and sexually transmissible diseases are not unique to the LGBT lifestyle, but the frequency is much higher due to much greater promiscuity and the nature of the sexual acts themselves.
For instance, the lifetime sexual encounters of the typical gay man is much greater than the typical heterosexual man. The average heterosexual man has seven lifetime sexual encounters versus the triple-digit figures of gay men.
Obviously, the chance of acquiring a sexually transmissible disease is much higher with multiple sexual encounters. This frequency is reflected in syphilis, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS statistics.
Some HIV/AIDS infected men continue to have unprotected sex after knowing their status.
An inconvenient truth related to gender transition1 is that gender transition treatments and surgical procedures often result in sterilized individuals. These individuals will never experience the rewards of natural parenting. Few will experience an orgasm.
The adolescents who undergo these procedures are unable to rationally weigh the actual costs and perceived benefits of these procedures. Some experience a lifetime battle against necrosis due to the extensive alteration of their anatomy. The healthcare costs post-surgery are projected to exceed a million dollars per individual.
Inconvenient truths like these are obscured during the desensitization phase to reduce the risk of societal rejection.
Jamming is the second step.
Blocking critics is the goal of jamming. It is similar to the strategy of jamming radio signals of the enemy during wartime to disrupt communications.
How is jamming accomplished?
Jamming is accomplished by the massive bandwidth of corporate media. Wealthy activists have resources to fund media campaigns.
Jamming is also accomplished through LGBT activists.
Affirmation and celebration of the LGBT lifestyle is demanded by activists. Silence is violence in their worldview. Criticism is viewed as “hate speech”.
A particularly effective form of jamming is the threat of societal cancellation. Those who do not submit to demands of LGBT activists are subject to societal cancellation. Cancellation involves harassment such as pressuring an employer to fire a critic or providing his private information to malevolent allies. Fear of cancellation silences many critics into self-censoring.
Another jamming technique involves the strategy of associating the LGBT lifestyle with racism.
Cultural Marxism (wokeness) places rejection of the LGBT lifestyle on the same moral level as racism through the concept of intersectionality. This is due to the concept of intersectionality, which seeks to form a coalition between a number of disparate groups through a common claim to oppression that each group shares.
LGBT activists are portrayed as marginalized, oppressed individuals deserving of protection, not aggressive challengers of the moral order. Critics are discredited as bigots whose opposition stems from their hatred rather than concern for the individual and society in general.
Who are the critics of the LGBT agenda that are targeted during jamming? Christians, conservatives, detransitioners and parents are the main critics that LGBT activists seek to jam.
Christians who warn about the temporal and eternal consequences are portrayed as oppressors to be ignored as hateful bigots.
Rejection of the biblical worldview and the creation mandate accompanies jamming. God designed human sexuality as the means of reproduction and a covenantal expression of the exclusive marital union between the man and his wife. Humankind was commanded in Genesis 1-2 to multiply and fill the earth.
Infiltration of the professing church from within by so-called “progressives” who affirm unbiblical sexual behaviors and embrace unbiblical sexual ideologies like gender ideology facilitate the jamming of Christian critics.
Several denominations and individual congregations call themselves LGBT affirming and deny that homosexuality is a sin. United Church of Christ (UCC), Presbyterian Church – USA (PCUSA), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Episcopal Church (TEC), Mennonite Church – USA (MCUSA), Church of the Brethren (COB), Disciples of Christ (DOC) and United Methodist Church (UMC) are a few of these denominations.
Some individual members and congregations have not betrayed biblical principles on these issues, though. For instance, there is a movement called Reconquista that seeks to reclaim historical churches like these back to the biblical Christianity of their founders.
Personally, I don’t hold much hope for the reclamation of these denomination and wouldn’t attend churches affiliated with them.
There is considerable overlap between the Christian community and the conservative community. Conservative critics regardless of their faith are labeled as Nazis, fascists, racists, white supremacists and bigots by the LGBT activist movement.
Detransitioned1 individuals are another group targeted for jamming by LGBT activists.
Many transitioners1 realize their transitioning1 was a mistake and seek to warn others who are considering these procedures. LGBT activists ostracize vocal detransitioned1 individuals and exercise wrath and fury towards them. They are basically viewed as traitors to the revolution.
Chloe Cole is an example of a vocal detransitioner1 that evokes the fury of the LGBT activist crowd. Forrest Smith is another. These two individuals are very insightful. I have provided links to interviews and video testimonies from them below.
Parents are troublesome critics of LGBT activists. Parents are the primary advocates for their children. LGBT activist school teachers and administrators are actively deceiving parents of children with gender dysphoria that they deem to be oppressed. Schools facilitate social transitioning of these children without parental knowledge. Additionally, some state governments have pursued removing children with gender dysphoria from their families under the pretense of child abuse. Jamming the moral instruction of parents in this regard is a primary goal of LGBT activists.
Conversion is the final step.
Conversion is the acceptance of the worldview by the average citizen after resistance has been essentially broken down. Focus is upon dealing with the remaining critics through indoctrination and legislation.
Conversion is facilitated through indoctrination by the educational system and legislation that categorizes resistance as hate speech.
The Biden administration and Democrat leadership has not been successful in legislating leftist demands related to LGBT issues into law due to the slim Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
Instead, executive orders and bureaucratic rules issued by federal agencies circumvent Congress.
Title IX has been re-interpreted by the Biden administration to include LGBT gender identities. This means public schools will be required in the coming academic year to allow “trans women” to use the girls’ restrooms and changing rooms and to participate in girls’ sports.
Legal challenges have been launched against the Biden administration concerning this matter. It remains to be seen if these challenges will be successful. If not, the new rules will apply on August 1, 2024.
The Biden administration is staffed with Cultural Marxists who demand that school children be indoctrinated into acceptance of the LGBT worldview, including gender ideology.
I hope American voters are aware of the dangers of a Democrat-dominated government and exercise their voting rights to vote them out. Republicans are not faultless, but they are not antagonistic towards a Christian worldview and allows Christians to participate within politics and our society.
Many more examples of desensitization, jamming and conversion could be provided. Voddie Baucham spoke at a Christian conference on this topic and provides excellent insight upon the Kirk and Madsen book. I have provided these videos below for your viewing.
Some may criticize my portrayal of the LGBT community. Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, both gay men, acknowledged these issues and leveled similar criticisms towards the LGBT community.
As a Christian who relies on the biblical revelation, I believe that every man is made in the image of God. He has intrinsic value for this reason.
The image of God has been compromised through the Fall and personal sin.
The good news is that no person is beyond redemption.
All must be born again. We were born in Adam, the fallen, sinful man. We need to be reborn in Christ, the risen man, and given new life. Regeneration involves the creation of a changed nature that wants to please and obey God. Every man can experience this new birth upon belief in Christ.
Issues related to the LGBT lifestyle are some sins amongst many that believers experience delivery from.
LGBT activists often accuse critics of hatred and tell them to mind their own business.
I do not believe in treating anyone in an unkind manner.
The dilemma Christians face is the demand that LGBT activists make concerning their ideology. These activists insist upon forcing children in public education to be indoctrinated in their ideology. Affirmation and celebration of the LGBT lifestyle is demanded.
The children in public school include Christian children. Their presence demands force an honest confrontation. Parental rights to guide their children in matters of morals are being infringed upon by LGBT activists and the Biden-Harris administration.
LGBT activists are aggressive challengers of morality, not helpless victims.
It is not unloving to warn the individual and society about the temporal and eternal consequences of the LGBT lifestyle.
In fact, it is an act of love to expose one’s self to criticism for holding this increasingly controversial position in the hope that it will lead to the repentance and faith of some and the flourishing of our general society.
Finally, I am addressing LGBT activists in the most critical manner. I am particularly concerned with activists who are seeking to indoctrinate children, and society in general, into their worldview.
Many within the LGBT community are not activists and oppose grooming of children. They cannot be classified as revolutionaries, unlike the LGBT activist community. They realize that it is inappropriate for LGBT activists to discuss sexual matters with children and adolescents. While I believe they face eternal punishment for unrepentant sin and urge them to repent, I do not believe they merit the same concern as LGBT activists with a political agenda.
Americans tend to have the view that public education is morally neutral.
It is not. It has a bias towards materialism that denies the reality of the spiritual.
There are malevolent players within the education system that seek to indoctrinate children into gender ideology and political beliefs that align with the Democrat party. This indoctrination is part of the effort of Democrats to control the nation in perpetuity.
Teacher unions are amongst the worst. The two major teacher unions promote wokeness and gender ideology. They donate large amounts to liberal causes and Democrat political candidates, and virtually none to conservative candidates. They promote “comprehensive sex education” which includes promotion of the LGBT lifestyle.
Recent school teachers are being graduated from universities that promote Cultural Marxism. The goal of Cultural Marxists is to create activists who share their beliefs, including affirmation of LGBT practices and gender ideology. Additionally, they hate America, Christianity and western culture. They seek a revolution and the destruction of our system and our values.
Federal agencies like the Department of Education under the Biden-Harris administration are in line with their agenda.
Realize that members of the LGBT community show up at local school board meetings to promote their agenda. You may want to show up at school board meetings to voice your concerns.
There is no political neutrality within the education system. Parents need to be more aggressive and make sure their state level politicians and local school boards resist the federal government and seek to protect their children from their evil designs.
Please see below for an excellent video review of the Kirk and Madsen book by Becket Cook. Also, there is an excellent article by Concerned Women for America entitled “Unmasking the Gay Agenda: The Truth About the Movement Destroying America From Within” at the bottom of the page. Finally, I recommend the video from Moms for Liberty on the Title IX changes of the Biden-Harris administration.
Robert Sparkman
This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.
Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.
Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.
Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.
1 Use of the words “transition” or “detransition” in this blog post should not be misconstrued as indicating that I believe anyone is transitioned or detransitioned from one sex to another. I am simply using their language to avoid the confusing use of continual quotation marks and qualifiers in the text for stylistic purposes. Individuals who undergo “gender affirmation” procedures remain either male or female. Every cell in their bodies reflect this reality. Males carry XY chromosomes and females carry XX chromosomes for the entirety of their lives.
Voddie Baucham has authored a new book that goes into the desensitization, jamming and conversion agenda of the LGBTQ+ movement into much more depth. His book is called “It’s Not Like Being Black: The Sexual Activists Hijacking of Civil Rights”.
Voddie is interviewed by Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden at Founders Ministries on this topic.
Becket Cook, a former homosexual, reviews the book “After the Ball – How America Will Conquer its Fear & Hatred of Gays in the 90s” . Becket is a Christian Youtuber and author.
It is common within the LGBT world to place their identity in sexual orientations or gender identities. Most Christians who were formerly involved in the homosexual lifestyle have a keen awareness of the related concepts of identity in Christ and union with Christ.
Becket has a Youtube channel called Becket Cook. This is his Christian testimony.
Moms for Liberty discusses the Biden Administration Title IX changes that will come into effect August 1, 2024. These changes face significant legal challenges.
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus produced a video in which they declare their intention to convert America’s children into acceptance of homosexuality. They removed this video and claimed that it was satirical. Their denial of an agenda does not negate the fact that there is an agenda in America to convert children into acceptance of homosexuality and other elements of the LGBT lifestyle. Matt Walsh, a conservative Roman Catholic, covers their music video in two different episodes.
Rosaria Butterfield is an author and former lesbian English professor who converted to Christianity. She later married a pastor, and has several children.
Christopher Yuan is a former homosexual and author who converted to Christianity. He has tremendous insight into the LGBT world. This is his Christian testimony.
Forrest Smith describes his detransitioning experience and the confusion he experienced during his gender dysphoria. Unfortunately, his testicles were removed before he resolved his gender dysphoria . He will never experience the joy of natural parenting. He still wakes up from nightmares concerning the surgical experience. Detransitioners are hated by the LGBT community, especially vocal ones who speak about their experience. Chloe Cole is another good example of a young person deceived by the online LGBT community and so-called medical professionals.
Jason Evert interviews Chloe Cole, a well-known Christian detransitioner who has spoken before Congress against gender ideology. She detransitioned after resolving her gender dysphoria, but underwent a double mastectomy before detransitioning. She laments this surgery as she will not be able to breastfeed her future children as God intended. It is also uncertain whether she will be able to bear children due to previous hormone treatments. She has many interviews on Youtube.
Pastor Voddie Baucham is excellent on topics related to Cultural Marxism, including the LGBT movement. He references the aformentioned “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s” book copiously throughout these two videos. These videos are part 1 and part 2 of a conference series.
Allie Beth Stuckey is a Christian talk show host. In this episode, she interviews Dominique Galbraith, a New York wedding dress designer who declined to provide a wedding dress for a same-sex wedding. Her interview is filled with grace and understanding. I highly recommend it for understanding the right approach towards the LGBT community.
This is a publication by Concerned Women for America called Unmasking the “Gay” Agenda: The Truth About the Movement Destroying America From Within. This source was very helpful to the composition of my post.
This is the letter to the editor that the blog post is based upon. The letter to the editor is much more condensed due to word limitations.
Memes associated with this topic may help some to understand the underlying greater issues using some level of humor. Here are a number of memes associated with this topic.