I want to encourage conservative voters to carefully consider their choices for school board members in November. Your informed vote counts more than you think.
School board elections are difficult due to their non-partisan nature, which allows the possibility of electing individuals that don’t reflect conservative values.
Local media interviews are useful to form an opinion of candidates and their values at a superficial level.
Here are deeper questions I would ask them:
- What is your position on gender ideology? Do you believe in genders other than male and female?
- Do you believe a person with XY chromosomes (male) can be female in terms of gender, and a person with XX chromosomes (female) can be male in terms of gender?
- Should conservative teachers, particularly Christians, be required to affirm gender ideology or to use preferred gender pronouns of students?
- Should students with XY chromosomes (males) be permitted to use the same group restroom or locker/changing room as persons with XX chromosomes (females), or vice versa?
- Should persons with XY chromosomes (males) be permitted to participate in women sports? Should persons with XX chromosomes (females) be permitted to participate in men sports?
- Should a school official (teacher, counselor or other) be permitted to engage a student in conversation related to social, medical or surgical transition without parental knowledge and consent? Should knowledge of a student’s body dysphoria be concealed from parents by school officials?
- Do public schools have an obligation to allow teachers to use prurient materials containing references and/or representations related to sexual practices and behavior?
- Should public schools allow teachers to use prurient materials containing references and/or representations related to sexual practices and behavior?
- Do school libraries have an obligation to provide prurient materials containing explicit references and/or representations related to sexual practices to students?
- Should school libraries be allowed to provide prurient materials containing explicit references and/or representations related to sexual practices to students?
- Should children be burdened by learning woke vocabulary and grammar from activist-educators, such as their complex, multiple pronouns related to their fabricated worldview in regards to gender?
- Should teachers be permitted to convey critical theory concepts promoting racial division, hatred towards America and Western culture, and leftist political activism?
- What rights do parents have regarding the education of their children? Does the student belong to the parent or to the state?
- Will you commit to opposing school policies that promote critical theory and gender ideology?
- What is your position on “comprehensive sexual education” which may include explicit, prurient descriptions and representations related to BDSM (Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism), sex toys, pederasty, pedophilia, fetishes and LGBTQ+ sexual practices?
- Will you promote policies that hold administrators and teachers accountable for improvement in ILEARN (Indiana Learning Evaluation and Assessment Readiness Network) scores? East Noble School Corporation (ENSC) grade 3-8 proficiency scores were 23.6% in English, 28.2% in Math, and 16.8% in English and Math for the school year ended in 2023 compared to state proficiency averages of 40.7%, 40.9%, and 30.6% respectively. Results for the school year ended in 2024 should be available soon.
- Will you view proposed policies of school administration with healthy skepticism, serving as an advocate for the parents and children?
- Will you resist attempts by the federal government to force wokeness, comprehensive sexual education, and gender ideology into the school curriculum?
- Will you consider the effects of poor parental involvement in the lives of students and their academic academic performance, and promote measures to encourage parents to greater involvement?
I invite incumbent and prospective school board members to make their positions known to voters on these questions through media interviews and letters to the editor. Also, you can express your convictions in the comments section at the bottom of this post. This will help voters to select candidates that support their values, and will help them be more comfortable with their leadership.
Those who do not publicly acknowledge their rejection of wokeness and gender ideology and promise publicly to resist its increasing influence within the local school environment should not receive consideration for office, in my opinion. I intend to vote for candidates who reject wokeness and gender ideology publicly and promise to use their influence to hinder its progression.
There is reason to be concerned about local school leadership.
For example, Dr. Teresa Gremaux at East Noble promoted gender ideology and the leftist interpretation of Title IX to allow young males identifying as females to use female restrooms and/or locker rooms in her previous position as superintendent at Manchester Community Schools in North Manchester, Indiana.
An ENSC school board member told me some policies are motivated by the desire to avoid litigation by the leftist American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or other leftist activist organizations rather than the principle of the matter and concerns for the student body.
Another ENSC school board member considers limitations upon classroom or library materials to comprise book banning. Perhaps he thinks students should be provided with Playboy or Penthouse magazines at taxpayer expense as well.
A community member was informed by an ENSC school board member that the community member needed to trust education professionals.
Unqualified trust of so-called professionals is a recipe for disaster. Consider that some medical “professionals” want to mutilate and sterilize children with transient body dysphoria that commonly resolves itself with puberty. We shouldn’t forget that medical professionals commonly affirmed bloodletting and lobotomies as legitimate medical treatments at different points in our history.
Many medical professionals know better but are afraid to challenge the leftist idealogues that have infiltrated the leadership of many medical organizations. This infiltration process is a feature of Neo-Marxism called the “long march through the institutions”.
The American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Academy of Pediatrics, Endocrine Society, and many other organizations have been infiltrated through the “long march through the institutions” by leftist idealogues.
These idealogues claim that there is virtual consensus about gender ideology and the dissidents are simply uninformed or out of pace with progress.
In reality, their self-proclaimed consensus is a Castro Consensus….it is forced upon these professionals by implicit intimidation, threats of loss of employment and other deceptive means. A Castro Consensus does not define truth, though. It is a fake consensus.
It is shameful that many professionals, especially those that are old enough to retire and do not have a family to support, are remaining silent in the face of the left and their cultic movement related to wokeness and gender ideology.
Dr. Miriam Grossman is not one of them.
Dr. Grossman, a child psychiatrist focusing upon gender related issues, discusses the Castro Consensus and how this relates to gender ideology in an interview with City Journal. Listen to the associated podcast or read the transcript of the interview.
I encourage conservative voters to contact county Republican party chairpersons for school board candidate recommendations if it is hard for you to select between candidates.
In the past, I selected candidates based on recognition of their surnames as families involved in community service or teacher union endorsement. Since then, I have learned that family surnames are not the best predictors of future behavior.
Teacher union endorsement is a negative sign. If a candidate is endorsed by a teacher union, I likely would not vote for them if another conservative candidate was running. I do not trust the endorsement of teacher unions.
Teacher unions are captured by the radical left and their ideology. They are highly partisan, donating heavily to Democrat candidate political campaigns and leftist organizations. Endorsement of a teacher union indicates to me that a candidate likely agrees with their leftist ideology.
ISTA (Indiana State Teacher’s Association) is the state teacher union, which is affiliated with NEA (National Education Association). District teacher unions like ENEA (East Noble Education Association) are commonly affiliated with the state and national teacher unions. NEA is known for its advocacy of leftist policies.
In the previous election, a candidate endorsed by ISTA and ENEA reflected leftist convictions on her social media activity. This candidate lost her race by a very narrow margin. Given her social media posts, I highly suspect that her involvement on the school board would have been a negative influence.
We should be focused on the quality of local political candidates because local politics is a primary arena where conservatives can have the most influence. Let’s be realistic…. school board offices are political despite their non-partisan designation.
We are all affected by our worldview, and while professing to be politically neutral, the K-12 education environment is not neutral. The political donations of teacher unions demonstrate otherwise.
As an aside, I do not think former teachers or school administrators are necessarily the best choices for school board members at this juncture in history, especially if they will not publicly reject wokeness and gender ideology and promise to resist its infiltration into the school system. Teachers and administrators have spent decades within the education industry. Undoubtedly they have developed friendships amongst their colleagues and are partial and sympathetic to their worldview.
You can be assured that the local Democrat party considers school board positions as political, too. A Democrat candidate can fly under the radar in a conservative community and establish a foothold in the community through school board participation.
Goshen Community Schools is a good example. Illegalities were allegedly committed by board members associated with the Democrat party in a failed attempt to keep conservatives from winning the school board elections. A circular with blatant lies about the candidate was distributed to the community. Campaign funds were allegedly collected in an illegal manner from education professionals to fund their efforts. Their illegalities were exposed and perpetrators are facing charges for these activities.
I would like to encourage local pastors from conservative, biblical churches to consider involvement on school boards.
A biblical church will not support promotion of critical theory, gender ideology or LGBTQ sexual behaviors, but will demonstrate compassion towards those who are seeking freedom from the bondage of sexual sin. Biblical churches do not affirm these behaviors and beliefs and provide counseling towards those seeking to be freed from them.
I have placed a sample of materials that lead to my conclusions on these matters in the Related Content section below.
Regarding the use of prurient content in classrooms, I suggest searching for Pastor John Amanchukwu’s content on Facebook, Youtube and Google for examples. Several videos and articles about his school board activities are available. He reads actual excerpts from the books used in classrooms or available in school libraries. Their content is extremely lewd.
Amanchukwu correctly considers the activities of activist teachers and librarians to comprise mental and spiritual rape of children. “Grooming” is too mild to describe their activities. I agree with him on this observation.
Robert Sparkman
I apologize for using language and explanations that may be unfamiliar to many individuals who are not acquainted with the left and their ideology and unique vocabulary. And, sometimes they have appropriated words and assigned new meanings to them. Expressing my concerns about their influence upon society sometimes requires use of words and phrases from their worldview and elaborate explanations that would not be needed otherwise.
This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.
Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.
Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than mere partisan propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.
Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.
Dr. Corey DeAngelis is one of the primary advocates for school choice. His book Parent Revolution is one of the best explanations of the state of American education and the indoctrination efforts of teacher and superintendent unions.
Luke Rosiak is an investigative reporter at the Daily Wire who examined the state of American education around the time of the infamous Loudoun County, Virginia debacle surrounding their implementation of gender ideology and the resultant sexual assault of two young ladies on two separate occasions by a teenage boy who identified as a transgender.
The school board obscured these events to hide them from the public.
The Loudoun County incident is notable in that the father of one of the rape victims, Scott Smith, was arrested by police officers because he disrupted a school board meeting in response to the school board’s lies to conceal the incident. Governor Glenn Youngkin pardoned Mr. Smith following his election to office.
Scott Smith was used by leftists in the education industry as an example of a domestic terrorist. The Biden Department of Justice initiated persecution of parents as potential domestic terrorists after the National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent a letter of request insinuating danger to school board members from parents to them. It appears like the Department of Justice was aiding school administrations and school boards in their attempt to silence parents who were resisting wokeness and gender ideology indoctrination.
Several states withdrew their association with this organization due to their mischaracterization of parents as domestic terrorists.
Luke’s book explains the influence of leftist organizations upon the school system and funding of programs to force their agenda upon the American public. These organizations include the Open Society Foundation (George Soros), Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Luke indicates race and gender issues are used by educators to obscure the issue of poor academic performance of American children, as well. American students perform very poorly in comparison to students in many other countries. The education industry relates this poor performance to systemic racism and oppression.
The Epoch Times, one of my favorite sources of news, has a number of videos featuring Luke Rosiak on the topic of education, too. In particular, I recommend a video related to the use of wokeness to mask school performance issues, which hurts minority students.
Luke lives in Fairfax County, Virginia. Fairfax County has experienced similar issues with leftist activism.
Robert Gouveia, Esq. covers the Loudoun County incident and the subsequent coverup in depth in this video.
Loudoun County superintendent Scott Ziegler was involved in misbehavior related to the handling of the two rapes that occurred at Loudoun County Public Schools. Scott Smith is suing the corporation for $30 million for their negligence which led to the sexual assault of his daughter by a transgender boy wearing a skirt who was allowed access to the girl restroom due to their gender ideology policies. A second assault of different young lady occurred at the school where the boy was transferred.
Senator John N. Kennedy reads excerpts of common books that are promoted by the left and are available to students in school libraries. He confronts witnesses who claim that parents should not be allowed to challenge these books.
Pastor John Amanchukwu speaks at school board meetings concerning books with prurient content used in their classrooms or available in their libraries. He is a strong, powerful speaker. He often reads from the books. The content of the books is extremely obscene, and as a result, his videos are not available on some social media outlets. I recommend his content on Facebook under his videos, in particular. He has content on Youtube as well, but it is not as graphic.
Critics may claim that rural Indiana doesn’t have the same degree of exposure to these ideologies as other rural cities. I would counter with the assertion that the left may not have permeated this area thoroughly but activists are pursuing this objective. Other Indiana school districts are seriously affected by these ideologies.
John’s videos can be viewed under john.amanchukwu on Facebook and revwutruth on Instagram , Youtube and X (Twitter). The most graphic videos of school board meetings seem to be on Facebook.
Some of the videos below are from school board meetings. I would like to provide a bad language warning. John reads excerpts from the books in school libraries and curriculum, and some of these excerpts are explicit descriptions of sexual acts. Specific sexual words have been bleeped out, but the content would not be appropriate for children who hear these descriptions.
Dr. Teresa Gremaux of East Noble School Corporation expressed support for gender ideology at her previous place of employment, Manchester Community Schools in North Manchester, Indiana.
Engage East Noble, a parent-student advocacy website, has provided details in regards to her history of association with gender ideology.
Ink Free News reported that Dr. Gremaux used Title IX as justification to allow a boy who identifies as a girl to use the women facilities at North Manchester in 2019. Washington Watch posted an interview with a North Manchester parent, Nate Gephart, related to this issue.
The Biden Administration is relying on the same novel interpretation to force these policies into the American public school system. Two federal district judges have struck down this novel interpretation, though.
Observations lead me to believe Dr. Gremaux continues to hold her position regarding gender ideology. I suspect she uses the fear of costly litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or other leftist advocacy groups to influence school board members and other area education administrators who otherwise would disagree on related issues.
In my opinion, it takes a certain level of brazenness to pursue the gender ideology issue in a rural community whose values are relatively conservative. It was brazen to pursue the gender ideology issue during the Trump administration in a Republican-dominated state, too.
Several current board members were involved in the hiring of Dr. Gremaux. To my knowledge, they did not contested the renewal of her contract this year in spite of ideological commitments and other issues such as the resignation of a well-liked middle school principal over interpersonal conflicts and gender related discussions at an elementary school.
Perhaps Dr. Gremaux has recanted her position on gender ideology. I have asked questions about this issue but have not received a satisfactory reply.
Personally, I wonder about local community leaders and whether they influenced her hiring.
Perhaps community leaders hold similar convictions themselves. There is a strong desire amongst woke idealogues who consider themselves to be enlightened elites to manipulate or force others to accept their positions. I suppose we have some self-styled woke elites within the local community that fancy conservatives as rustic rubes in need of reeducation. An Opinions article written by an ENHS teacher suggested to me that he holds elitist views like this about the community.
Lack of education is not the issue. The issue is a worldview conflict. Many conservatives hold a biblical worldview and filter their thoughts through the lens of Scripture. Consistent woke elitists do not hold biblical views, whether they profess Christianity or not, and they filter their thoughts through the lense of critical theory and gender theory.
Some of these self-proclaimed elites consider themselves to be Christians. I suspect many belong to mainline denominations like United Church of Christ (UCC), United Methodist Church (UMC), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), Episcopal Church (TEC), Mennonite Church – USA (MC-USA), Disciples of Christ (DOC), Church of the Brethren (COB) and several other denominations.
These denominations have rejected the biblical revelation and have been corrupted for decades. Members of these denominations accept the world and its values and ideologies as their interpretative lens through which to view the Bible, rather than viewing the world and its values and ideologies through the lens of Scripture.
I do not consider them to be Christian and would challenge the denominational leaders to return to the more orthodox faith of their founders. Members should find a biblical church to attend if their congregational leaders don’t respond to correction.
Ink Free News printed this article regarding the transgender policy under Dr. Teresa Gremaux at Manchester High School. The individuals wearing white were against the enactment of the Title IX interpretation that Dr. Gremaux took. The white clothing was worn as emblematic of the purity of children, if I understand correctly. According to the interview with parent Nate Gephart, the school board hindered the discussion of this matter and tabled it for a second meeting. This second meeting involved legal counsel which further obfuscated the matter.
It is my opinion from what I have gathered through tidbits of information on these matters that Dr. Gremaux promotes gender ideology and uses fear of lawfare to force compliance.
East Noble School Corporation performed below state average on the ILEARN assessment tests for the school year ended in 2023.
The state average should not be the goal anyways. American children are performing way too low on academic performance measures compared to other developed (and underdeveloped) nations.
Underperformance may involve a significant lack of parental involvement in the child’s education and other societal factors such as single-parent households. However, I must pose the question why social justice issues of the left captures the attention of educators rather than a focus on basic knowledge like English and mathematics.
I suspect if teachers themselves were required to pass a standardized test that measures their proficiency on core knowledge like mathematics, English, and history prior to employment, a significant number would fail to qualify.
The 2023 results are available in an article on Chalkbeat. This article provides a lookup table that allows the viewer to obtain the results for school districts in Indiana.
It is my understanding that the ILEARN results for the school year ended in 2024 will be released soon.
Prager University has a good, short video concerning teacher unions, their protection of bad teachers, and their association with the left. It is called The Biggest Bully in School: Why Public Education is Failing in America. It is well worth watching.
The two largest national teacher unions, National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT), donated over $66 million to Democrat campaigns and liberal organizations during the 2020 election cycle, according to an article by Open Secrets, an organization that tracks political donations.
Aaron Withe, CEO of Freedom Foundation, discusses how public school union funds are spent with Tiffany Justice at Moms for Liberty. Teacher unions are basically fundraisers for the Democrat party campaigns and leftist organizations.
Wilfred Reilly authored a book titled Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me: Debunking the False Narratives Defining America’s School Curricula. He covers the leftist propaganda that educators in America promote and the deceptiveness of their claims. Many of the claims of the left are reductive oversimplifications that attribute historical events to one cause (usually racism or bigotry) when the event was a result of multiple causes. Other claims are falsehoods. Some claims are evidence of racism and oppression of Americans that are no longer part of our national values, and perhaps were never looked upon favorably by the majority of Americans. Less than five percent of the American populace owned slaves. For much of our history, most Americans were poor sharecroppers and indentured servants who struggled to survive.
I submitted the following letter to the editor to the local newspaper on the topic of this post. The letter is a condensed version of the post. Incidentally, the political cartoon concerning Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump is very deceptive, and I would consider it to reflect racist overtones. The recent Supreme Court decisions concerning the overturn of chevron deference and qualified immunity of the President for acts conducted in the course of presidential duties were well considered and reflect sound judgment.
Justice Clarence Thomas is a brilliant and patriotic man to be admired and not ridiculed and mocked. The conservatives on the Supreme Court are a stabilizing force within our nation, despite the claims of the leftist Democrat party.
By the way, if Donald Trump wins the election, it will be due to the failure of the Democrat party to manage the country appropriately and an expression of the populace against leftist ideology. I don’t know which way the election will go, but I hope that voters are not pacified by political bribes and propaganda of the Biden administration. Another four years of leftist totalitarianism propaganda and lawfare will destroy this nation, in my opinion.
California and other leftist states demonstrate the ability of leftist politicians to perpetuate their rule over deceived and pacified populaces, though. Their cities are literal latrines with rampant crime, feces on the street and drug addicts on the streets, yet Californians continue to vote leftist politicians into office. Pacify the populace with easily available drugs and sexual diversions and they will continue to vote for politicians with policies that destroy the nation.
These are excellent and thorough resources. Thank you for collecting them in one easy place.
Thanks for your comment.