I would like to offer my opinion on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump and add some additional comments on school board elections.
It is my contention the Biden/Harris administration, Democrat leadership, news media allies and Secret Service senior leadership intentionally created an environment encouraging the assassination attempt.
Democrat leadership and news media allies caricatured Trump as an aspiring, racist dictator and an existential threat to democracy through a constant barrage of fake news over the past decade.
The Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally is one such news story.
This rally involved the proposed removal of a monument of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
The media reported Trump claimed white supremacists at the rally were ‘very fine people’.
Trump did not say this. He said there were ‘very fine people’ on both sides.
There were two sides: those who wanted to retain the monument and those who wanted to remove it.
Some individuals wanted to retain the monument for historical and sentimental reasons. These are examples of ‘very fine people’.
Unfortunately, there were white supremacists that wanted to retain the monument, too.
The media claimed Trump called white supremacists ‘very fine people’ to bolster their narrative that Trump is the American Hitler.
Snopes recently posted an article fact-checking the media’s claim and declared it false. It was seven years late but serves to expose their deceit.
Additionally, woke Secret Service senior leadership signaled the opportunity for assassination through understaffing, diminutive DEI hires and lack of critical resources.
I suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks was a modern-day Walter Mitty, fantasizing about winning acceptance and becoming a hero by assassinating Trump, the Hitler-like figure of media propaganda and Blue-Anon imaginations.
Hatred expresses itself in hateful words and leads to hateful actions, particularly murder. There is no shortage of angry, hate-filled leftist Democrats who wish Crooks had succeeded. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
Regarding former President Donald Trump, I plan on voting for him in November. I disliked him after brief exposure from his series called The Apprentice. I did not vote in 2016 due to recuperation from a serious accident, but I would have voted for him given the alternative, Hillary Clinton.
My heart softened towards him after seeing the blatant abuse of the media and the obvious evils of the leftist critics. Trump speaks in hyperbole and sometimes uses ridicule and metaphors. This leaves him open to criticism from the leftist media, who interpret his language in the most ungraceful manner possible.
However, his faults are much more preferable to the open evils of the left, particularly abortion, gender ideology and indoctrination of youth into ideologies that sow racial animosity and encourage sexual depravity and existential confusion.
I do not agree with former President Donald Trump’s position on a few issues but he is far better than any Democrat politician. Christians, in particular, should take note regarding the targeting of Christians by the Biden-Harris administration. The Democrat party will ruin our nation if we continue down the current path.
As one Christian commentator said, using metaphorical language, sometimes you just need a Samson to take Philistine foreskins (or scalps..I don’t remember the exact word he used).
Hatred expresses itself in hateful words and leads to hateful actions, particularly murder. There is no shortage of angry, hate-filled leftist Democrats who wish Crooks had succeeded. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
On the matter of school board elections, it is reasonable for voters to expect candidates to publicly disclose their positions on racial, sexual and gender related matters. I intend to vote for transparent conservative candidates.
Do candidates believe males identifying as females should be permitted to participate in women sports or use women restrooms and locker rooms? Do they believe teachers and students should be required to use preferred gender pronouns? Do they believe woke teachers and counselors should be permitted to introduce troubled students with body dysphoria to the possibility they may be nonbinary? Do they believe parents should be denied knowledge that their child is struggling with body dysphoria? Do they believe prurient content should be permitted in classrooms and libraries? Do they believe comprehensive sex education materials introducing students to every manner of sexual depravity should be used in classrooms? Do you respect parental rights in matters of faith and their child’s body dysphoria, exposure to prurient content and sexuality?
The leftist-led education system across the nation is treating parents and children in a manner that is reminiscent of the government schools and the Native American children. Their message is, you will conform to our woke worldview or else….
And, we should be aware that the phrase ‘public schools’ is essentially a euphemism for ‘government schools’.
Increasingly, their de facto function is to indoctrinate students into the prevailing philosophy of the government, particularly the woke elites that dominate the Democrat party, the three-letter government agencies and essentially all of the institutions of our nation.
I suspect a few current board members in the East Noble School Corporation district hold woke positions on race, sex and gender.
Others may hold conservative positions but conceal their convictions. They fear confrontation with activist educators, teacher unions, parents, advocacy groups and community members.
ENSC candidates John Klaassen and Joel Lash discussed their positions with me. I am convinced they will not participate in perpetuating harmful racial, sexual and gender ideologies and will not be intimidated by the aforementioned groups. I encourage other candidates to express their positions in a public manner so that conservatives know which candidates are viable choices. Show us your cards.
Teresa Gremaux apparently holds a view of Title IX similar to the Biden/Harris administration and Democrat leadership. Her advocacy led to gender-related controversies during her tenure at Manchester Community Schools. Ink Free News covered this controversy in two separate articles, one dated 12/12/19 and another dated 12/19/19. Nate Gephart, a Christian father with children at Manchester Community Schools, was interviewed by Washington Watch on this issue. Additionally, PJ Media posted an article on this matter. Finally, Facebook posts on the North Manchester News Journal page by community members warned East Noble community members about her advocacy.
I am concerned inadequate school board vetting introduced the possibility of similar activism at ENSC. Apparently Brent Durbin was involved in leading the search for a new superintendent according to a KPCNews article.
Additionally, I wonder why there was no serious school board challenge to her recent contract renewal. She was involved in an additional controversy involving the resignation of a well-liked East Noble Middle School principal, Andy Deming, which created a significant disturbance in the community.
Perhaps Teresa Gremaux has changed her mind on the gender ideology issue. Perhaps the school board members would like to affirm their rejection of wokeness and gender ideology. No one will know unless transparent comments on these topics are provided to the voting public.
If necessary, school board members across America need to be willing and prepared to resist activist superintendents, teachers and federal agencies on these issues amidst threats of lawfare and false accusations of racism and bigotry.
Robert Sparkman
This post is a more detailed version of a letter to the editor that I submitted to the local newspaper. The letter to the editor is referenced in the Related Content section.
Concerning the Related Content section, I encourage evaluating the content with discernment. Some sources of information may reflect a libertarian or non-Christian perspective and I would not agree with all of their values, but in general I think they offer some worthwhile comments and criticisms. I do not necessarily agree with every comment by every person, but in general, I find them to be valuable or I would not include them.
Unlike most mainstream media outlets, I am interested in truth rather than propaganda. This blog post reflects my well-considered convictions on the related issues, and provides support for my assertions. I acknowledge the possibility that my understanding of events and information may need refinement and welcome legitimate criticism. Respectful comments and questions without expletives and personal attacks will be posted and I will respond to them.
Comments? Email me at [email protected] or leave a reply below.
Prager University has a good video on the Charlottesville affair and media slander regarding Donald Trump.
This video displays the continued use of the Charlottesville rally propaganda by President Biden, Democrat leadership and media allies to vilify former President Trump. The media claims have been fact-checked by Snopes, which is not a conservative organization, in a recent article. The deceit behind the Democrat claims has been known for seven years, so this article is far overdue.
Newsmax has this post on Youtube that provides information on the claim that Donald Trump said white supremacists and Neo-Nazis were ‘very fine people’. Video clips prove the slanders to be a lie.
A similar media deception technique is being employed by the left about JD Vance and his remark about childless individuals having a lesser stake in society, and how it is inappropriate for them to lead the nation.
Subsequent qualifying remarks were made, but those have been suppressed by the leftist media.
I agree with JD Vance on his comment, in light of the qualifying statements that he has made. However, the leftist media excluded these qualifying statements.
It is ironic the leftist media is calling JD Vance “weird” given the insanity of the wokeness and gender ideology crowds they support.
Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter Youtube channel interviewed Anne Wilson Smith, author of Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right. Anne, the daughter of a historial, attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
The media portrayal of the rally is a good example of the false narrative that the left has manufactured concerning racism and the threat of white supremacy in the USA.
Snopes recently published a fact-check article on this topic verifying that President Trump did not claim that white supremacists were ‘very fine people’.
The leftist media constantly dehumanitizes Donald Trump and characterizes him as a white supremacist and evil man. I don’t agree with every word that Donald Trump utters, but I disagree with him far less than any Democrat politician on fundamental moral issues. I don’t think he is a white supremacist, and I suspect his political opponents are far more evil than him, especially the ones engaged in promotion of gender ideology, wokeness and indoctrination of children into their neo-pagan, woke belief system. Here are a few videos that display his compassionate side.
Colin A. Miller of Fight For Truth Youtube channel makes a very good case for Christians voting for former President Donald Trump in this video episode. I will add that the Biden administration has been very aggressive in their persecution of Christians, particularly in regards to activism related to their pro-life stance.
The NatCon Squad on the National Conservatism channel discusses the Trump assassination attempt.
I consider them to be a very well informed news analysis team.
Here are some street interviews that reveal the hatred of some leftists when it comes to Donald Trump. Some of the haters believe he is a white supremacist on the scale of Adolf Hitler. Notice that some of them believe in the Blue-Anon conspiracy theory that it was staged, and others display their open hatred and wish that the assassin had succeeded. Trump derangement syndrome is real.
Others have changed their mind and will be voting for Donald Trump.
This video analysis by Cam Higby is a good example of the hatred of the left. The projection, ignorance and lies from these two ladies is thick. The lady on the left is very bitter, and impresses me as soulless, angry and dead, almost zombie-like. Many on the left have similar unpleasant personalities.
This is the newspaper version of my blog post printed in the local newspaper, Kendallville News-Sun.
Please note that the title of this page of the newspaper is Opinion. I am expressing my opinion on these subjects. These opinions are based on intuition in part, and my convictions based on the facts. You may come to different conclusions on some of these matters.
While concerns such as the economy, law and order, the family, the education system and many other legitimate concerns all play a part in selecting the appropriate candidate to vote for what is often over looked are those more important issues concerning freedom concerning the Christian church and the spread of the gospel. Which candidate will allow the church to operate without restrictions and persecution and will allow the gospel to not be stifled by such things as hate speech laws and legal prosecution for simply saying what the bible teaches. The church has always had those who were willing to stand up for the truth despite state led sanctions against its teachings. Jesus and his Apostles are a testament to this reality. No government has ever been totally successful in stopping the spread of God’s message on the earth. And yet if the opportunity is there in a democracy to vote for a candidate who will not be an opponent but who will simply allow the church to operate as it always has and the gospel to continue to spread for the good of those who as a result put their faith in Christ then it seems to me imminently sensible to vote for such a candidate. Given the democratic parties rampant anti christian rhetoric and policies that are antagonistic towards the Christian world view surely the best option is to vote for Trump, who while not being an ideal candidate nevertheless has been open to Christians sharing their faith both in the church and beyond. The greatest good and expression of love from the Christian to his neighbour is found in the hope filled, redeeming message of the good news of Jesus Christ who died and rose to reconcile the lost to God. If Trump will allow that to happen he has my approval.
Thanks for your comments.